Damp patches on walls and black mould growth are common issues associated with penetrating damp. This type of dampness can have detrimental effects on wooden fixtures as well. Inside the home, penetrating damp can cause damage to plaster and plasterboard. These interior finishes are porous and can absorb a significant amount of moisture. Plasterboard tends to swell and soften, while plaster may blister and flake. This damage not only affects the aesthetic appearance of the walls but also weakens the structural integrity, creating ideal conditions for mould growth. Damp brickwork and masonry also contribute to the growth of black mould on walls. Although black mould is more commonly found internally due to the higher temperatures required for its growth, it can also appear on exterior walls. Black mould thrives in wet, warm, and humid conditions. The combination of cold weather, warm interior heating, and wet walls can lead to the growth of black mould alongside penetrating damp. Black mould poses risks to both buildings and occupants' health, and it can be challenging to eradicate. It is important to remove not only the visible mould but also the invisible hyphae that exist below the surface. When wooden fixtures, furniture, or skirting boards come into direct contact with damp walls, moisture can transfer, leading to potential wet rot. If fungal spores are present, wet rot can occur. Penetrating damp can cause severe damage if it reaches structural timber and should be addressed promptly by professionals. Tags: #housingassociations #property #environment #landlords #lettingagents #estateagents #CouncilHousing #drdamp1 #hmo #hmomanagement #hmolandlord #hmoproperty